Stylized Alex Ward logo


I got this idea from, and seeing a bunch of folks typing up what they're using so I figured I'd rattle off my setup!

For products I link to the direct product page and the Amazon pages for convenience. Those Amazon links are affiliate links.

  • Typescript
  • Javascript
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Java
  • C#
  • Ruby
  • Golang (fun)
  • Rust (Learning, fun)

I've got a whole review for the ridiculous number of headphones I've got over here: Headphones Review Page

I've got a big pile of them (at least 10), but main daily drivers are:

  • Raspberry Pi 4. Several of them. I'm running a Gitlab instance on one, a Gitlab runner on another, and Docker hosting a bunch of various things on them.
  • Kubernetes Cluster on Vultr
  • Bunch of Racknerd servers
  • Wavebox - It's a chromium based browser which has a neat take on organizing tabs, essentially.
  • Firefox