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Generative AI for Coding

AI Clacky Keyboard TestsWhat happens when you get an extreme “GenAI Skeptic” and shove him in front of an LLM coding assistant? This, turns out.

This is a follow up on my last post, which was an epic rant about Generative AI. In that, I mentioned that while I’m generally skeptical about GenAI replacing developers (for a few different reasons, but also because they can’t do what their promoters say they can), I do think it’s one of the use cases where it can actually be useful as a productivity augment for the “write... Read More

How I’m approaching Generative AI

The Duality of AIAlso known as the “Plausible Sentence Generator” and “Art Approximator”

This post is only about Generative AI. There are plenty of other Machine Learning models, and some of them are really useful, we’re not talking about those today.

I feel like every single day I see some new startup or post about how Generative AI is the future of everything and how we’re right on the cusp of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and soon everything from writing to art to music to making pop tarts will be... Read More

Own Your Content

Shutterstock vector art of some computer magicWe've got a problem decades in the making

Permalink to “We've got a problem decades in the making” #

Not too long ago Anil Dash wrote a piece for Rolling Stone titled “The Internet Is About To Get Weird Again” and it’s been living rent free in my mind ever since I read it. As the weeks drag on, more and more content is being slurped up by the big tech companies in their ever-growing thirst for human created and curated content to feed generative AI systems. Automattic recently announced that... Read More

Let's do some "Game Development"

Shutterstock vector art of some hands typing in front of a monitor showing an animation editorThe other day, a friend asked me a complicated question wrapped in what seems like a simple question: “How long would it take to make some simple mini-games that you could slap on a web page?”

My answer, as many seasoned developers will be familiar with (and of course it’s coming out of the architect’s mouth) was “It depends on the game and the developer. I could probably churn out something pretty good in a few days, but it’d take someone more junior longer”.

This set off the part of my brain... Read More

Passkeys: your friendly password replacement

One of my absolute favorite topics to rant about continually is identity and access management (specifically authentication). One of my friends prompted me to write about this after needing some questions about passkeys answered.

Anyhow, one of the most thrilling innovations in identity managements in recent years that is finally seeing wider adoption is Passkeys. Put simply, Passkeys replace the need for passwords by shunting the authentication checks to a combination of something you have (a... Read More

Handheld update time

I've made a new review about the Asus ROG Ally over in the reviews section, but due to an artifact of how I set up the RSS feed, you won't know about it unless I make a stub here. So! Here's the stub. Read More